Kaylin's Story

Graduation Commemoration

The shape was inspired by Disney’s animated short “Paperman” (2012) which won for the best animated short at the academy awards that year. I am a 3D animation student, and this short was what made me realize that I wanted to do animation.

So it felt like the perfect shape to commemorate my graduation, and then the little garnet is kind of an abstraction of the kiss on the airplane. The black tourmaline quartz felt like the perfect stone because it was more neutral in color but the little black lines look like pencil sketch marks! My undergrad college’s colors were also red and white (NJIT). AND my little brother and I used to race paper airplanes together all the time so it’s sentimental that way too 🤍.

Thank you so much for such an amazing experience!! I am more in love with this set of rings every single day that I look at it. Thank you for helping me create the perfect graduation ring set that I will truly treasure forever!!!

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